Finding the best solution for trees and people to live in harmony.

Vaccinating trees for DED

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25 Oct, 2024

Vaccinating trees for DED

Dutch Elm Disease is a fungal disease in Elm trees and has had a massive impact on Elms in Auckland and the Waikato. It often starts with curling, yellow, or wilting leaves and manifests in dying or dead branches usually in the crown of the tree. It is almost always fatal sometimes in a matter of a few weeks.

The good news is that with such catastrophic consequences in Europe, a vaccine has been made to combat the disease.

The vaccination is given once a year to the stem of the tree and has had great results so far on council trees that have been vaccinated over the last few years. It triggers an immune response but does not contain any Dutch Elm Disease itself.

Dutch Elm Disease is often identified by examining a cut branch. If a brown ring of dots is visible it is likely it has the disease and of course, a sample can be sent to the lab. This service is free in the Waikato and it is greatly encouraged to help track any spread of the disease.

The European elm bark beetle is the key culprit for spreading the disease, transmitting fungal spores as it tunnels into healthy trees. It may also spread between trees via roots and from the movement of infected wood.

Management of the disease rests on early identification and rapid removal of the infected trees. It must be properly felled and disposed of in a manner that prevents further spread of the disease.


If you think your Elm Tree is unwell, call us for some advice and we can help you with the process.