There are many reasons why trees can fail, including weak branch unions, mechanical, decay, pests, disease, and climate. When you know why, you can take action for prevention to keep trees in optimal health.
Weak branch unions occur when forks are too close together and there is bark inclusion. As the limbs grow, they push each other apart causing an eventual split or compromised stability of the limb. Good pruning will help, but poor pruning can be the cause.
Mechanical damage can happen when there is excavation, elevation, and compaction of soil levels around the drip line of trees. Vehicles driving over feeder roots can prevent the transport of nutrients, and raising soil levels can cause anaerobic respiration of the roots. Of course hitting a main branch with the boat on the way out of the driveway will not be good either!
Decay is caused by pathogens entering through the roots, heartwood, and limbs. This is usually through wounds occurring naturally, through animals or again poor pruning. This can be hard to spot but fungus fruit, die back
Pests and diseases are difficult to control. Bora, Myrtle Rust, Phytophthora, and Pythium can be catastrophic. Early detection and removal could prevent the spread to other precious trees.
Any tree under stress from drought, and excessive water will be compromised, so consistent proactive measures need to be maintained to manage their health through these times of unusual climatic conditions.
Sometimes there is nothing you can do for a tree that is in decline. Call us, and we will be able to advise you on how best to proceed.