Finding the best solution for trees and people to live in harmony.

Is your tree protected?

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28 Apr, 2021

Is your tree protected?

When a tree is protected there a number of rules that apply to specify what can be done to the tree without applying for resource consent. When trimming a protected tree, the desired outcome is to not harm the tree and to ensure it has continued good health after any pruning or work in the drip line.

Currently, the Auckland Council permits discretionary activities that comply with the following standards, but these rules change periodically so you will need to check with the council for any changes before any work on a protected tree.

D13.6.1 Tree trimming or alteration

The maximum branch diameter must not exceed 50mm at severance.

No more than 10% of the live growth of the tree may be removed in any one calendar year.

The works must meet the best arboriculture practice.

All trimming or alteration must retain the natural shape, form, and branch habit of the tree. 


If you are not sure if your tree is protected, it’s easy to find out by going through the Auckland Council website and typing in your address or phoning them directly.

Some factors to consider that may indicate your tree could be protected are:

Is the tree a native?

Is the tree substantially large or prominent in the area?

Is the tree close to a cliff or a steep bank?


Additionally, there are rules around what can be done in the root zone of a protected tree, and what can be done to trees that are in close proximity to a body of water like a river or a stream

It is always better to be sure so if you have any concerns, check first before you chop, prune or trim.

The Treeman can apply for recourse consent on your behalf if there is work that is required on a tree that exceeds the permitted trimming or work in the drip line of the tree. As experienced and qualified Arborists we understand the need for tree protection and how the wellbeing of the tree can be protected with the best arboriculture practice in trimming and pruning. If a tree is unsafe or compromised then of course we can also apply for consent to remove the tree when required.